Stains on countertops are never welcomed, and cloudy blotches are no exception. They serve as an eye sore amongst an otherwise stunning quartz countertop. Fortunately, there are ways to avoid and remedy these unwanted blotches.
Cause of the Stain
There are many different culprits that could be responsible for dull spots, cloudy blotches, white marks, or haziness on quartz countertops. These include:
- Harsh chemical cleaners
- City tap water in certain areas
- Food and drink stains
- Residue from a plastic film applied to the surface to protect it prior to installation
- Manufacturing defects in the material
- Manufacturing defects in the surface finish
- Sunlight exposure
- Exposure to hot pots and pans
- Glues used to install the countertops reacting with the resin
Combating Cloudy Blotches
Removing these stains can be difficult. If the blotches are due to chemical damage, they unfortunately are permanent. However, if something else is the culprit, there are ways to rejuvenate the surface and have your quartz countertop back to looking new. Before using any of our recommended cleaners consult your Quartz manufacturers website for care and maintenance guidelines. These products may not be approved for use on all brands of quartz and should always be tested in a small inconspicuous area first. These are aggressive products to be used with caution, and as a last resort, when dealing with stubborn issues. The following cleaners have been effective in removing cloudy blotches on quartz:
- First, try Soft Scrub Oxi. This is a very mild cleaner that can avoid concern of damaging the surface; however, it may not be strong enough to remove the stain.
- Barkeeper’s Friend has been shown to be very effective in combating cloudy blotches.
- For a less abrasive cleaner, try Bar Keeper’s Friend soft cream
- Although abrasive, Magic Eraser has the ability to remedy stains and blotches caused by protective film residue. Test this product first before dousing the entire surface in it.
Although quartz is remarkably durable, it is not bullet proof. Not all quartz are exactly alike, as some slabs and brands contain different ratios of quartz than others. For this reason, all products should first be tested against the surface to ensure that they will not cause further damage. To test the products, place a small amount on a hidden area and monitor the surface to note any discoloration. When it is time to fully tackle the stain, a non-abrasive scrub pad is always recommended in order to reduce the chances of damaging the countertop surface.
Of course, the best option to combat stains is to avoid causing them in the first place. However, life is never completely controllable and mistakes do happen. If a stain does occur, the surface is not doomed to look damaged forever. There is hope in removing dull spots, cloudy blotches, white marks, or haziness on quartz countertops.